7 HR Trends & Statistics You Must Know in 2018

The world is moving at a rapid pace and the HR space is not any different. The usual ways of managing human resources are fast becoming obsolete, getting replaced by new methods. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be aware of these trends. These trends are often associated with some statistics that give an indication of the authenticity of such trends.
Let’s dive deeper and take a look at some of the HR trends & statistics that will shape the HR world in the coming times:
1. Everything is about Skills:
Upskilling and reskilling would be one of the most important HR trends & statistics in the coming future. We live in an increasingly dynamic world where requirements could change overnight. Searching for talent with a new skill set and letting the old ones go is a practice that is obsolete, infeasible and borderline mean.
2018 will see an increasing focus on upskilling while hiring and beyond. In fact, trainability would be 15-20 times more important than any other quality the companies seek in candidates. So, people who can quickly learn a new skill from the scratch would be in high demand.
2. Hiring Process will embrace Technology even more:
The HR sector has been employing technology to recruit and manage employees for quite a few years, and this trend will only continue in the future. It is worth noting that 75% of HR managers use some kind of tracking or recruitment software for hiring, and a whopping 94% of them found positive results.
Since many vendors are providing HRMS tools that are custom-made for the hiring needs of HR managers, it is easy to deduce that technology would be in greater demand this year. The overwhelming benefits that technology provides in hiring and recruitment make a pretty good case for this.
3. Public Image will matter more than ever:
So far, most companies were only concerned with maintaining an image in front of the consumer. So, B2B companies were usually unconcerned with the “image” problem. This is beginning to change now. It is estimated that about 83% of applicants check the reviews and ratings of any company before joining or applying at it. For instance, Glassdoor, a website that holds details and reviews about companies from employees, sees about 50 million visitors every month.
It is clear that the public image of a company has become important for recruitment too, and HR managers should remember this while hiring people. Using professional platforms like LinkedIn to expand the reach and create awareness has also gained prominence for this reason.
4. Chatbots will become more Mainstream:
Chatbots are already pretty popular, but 2018 will see them entering the HR domain. The reason is simple: the time HR personnel spend in solving usual queries could be rather employed in a more productive manner.
Thus, chatbots could be used to solve simple and regular queries of employees. Its success in the customer care department is a good enough testimony. However, the coming year will also see the more advanced applications of AI and machine learning in the HR department.
5. CHRO will find new Roles:
A Chief Human Resource Officer is the mastermind behind the HR operations in any organization, but so far, the requirements to be a CHRO were not pretty high. The roles and responsibilities were even simpler. However, this is changing rapidly.
There have been increased demands for CHROs who are adept in finance, technology and analytics. Recent trends suggest that new CHROs are expected to be skilled in statistics and automation. Other skills like organizational design, fiscal responsibility and data security would also be important in the resume.
6. Diversity will matter more than ever:
One of the most interesting HR trends & statistics was the stress on diversity at the workplace. In 2017, 69% of executives suggested that diversity was important and desirable in the office. This number rose from 32% in 2014.
As the trend suggests, it would only increase in the coming year. The reason is simple: more diverse workplaces have shown to be more productive and efficient. Diversity has also become a part of society in general, and workplaces cannot escape this. Clearly, there will be greater stress to ensure diversity in the organization with changing times.
7. Families would be a deciding factor for HR:
Despite the rapid increase in competition, the call to be more inclusive and concerned about employees with families has been raised. Out of all the mothers with kids younger than 18 years, 70% are employed in the US. Out of these, around 75% work full-time. The stress to raise kids and work at the office often puts their mental and physical well-being at a risk. Creating more employee-friendly policies, keeping their needs in mind will become increasingly important to retain them.
Most employees with a family prefer to be completely cut off from work during vacations. However, only 54% are able to do it successfully. This would be another trend that HR should try to tackle in the coming year.
The HR trends & statistics discussed above will go a long way in helping you form your HR policies and plan of action for the coming year and ensure you create a more inclusive and people-friendly workplace that people love and aspire to be part of. Wants to know more about exactllyHRMS? Feel free to Contact Us and get a Free Demo.