
How to Motivate Employees with Timely Appraisals

During water cooler conversations, employees invariably discuss the dreaded HR. HR professionals often become the focal point of any office gossip and that is because of a number of reasons. You probably did not grant leaves to someone but gave away an entire vacation to someone else. You probably appraised someone positively and gave negative…

malaysia gst exactllyERP

Accreditation of exactllyERP by Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JDKM) in Malaysia

JDKM Approved Software With great pride we would like to announce that after Accreditation of exactllyERP by IRAS and IDA in Singapore, exactllyERP today has been accredited by Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JDKM) for its GST-managing capabilities. Unlike Singapore the process of selection in Malaysia as an approved ERP was a tedious one. ERP capabilities…


Accreditation of exactllyERP by IRAS and IDA in Singapore

IRAS performs audits for businesses from time to time to assure that businesses are making the right tax declarations. It is IRAS approved ERP a common procedure for IRAS to request for certain accounting information as part of the audit. For businesses using manual records, the process of producing the records required by IRAS is…

exactllyBI Tool

Get the sixth sense you need for your business with exactllyBI Tool

exactllyBI Tool Knowing more about your business—and knowing it faster than others—is the best way to power innovation and gain an edge on your competition. Exactlly Software launches powerful exactllyBI for accessing business intelligence information from desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. Fully integrated with exactllyERP Suite, exactllyERP provides immediate access to existing analytics content like…