
How a Visual Sales Pipeline Gives You a Better Picture of Your Business

If you have been using CRM for a while, you might have noticed a sales pipeline tool integrated into it. Sales pipelines give you a visual representation of your sales prospects’ status, and where they currently stand in their buying journey. Visualizing data related to your prospects’ buying journey is very crucial to make accurate…


The What, Why and How of Lead Management in CRM for Businesses

With the ever-growing competition, getting new customers becomes harder every day. Thanks to social and digital media, the sources to generate leads are many and varied. However, lack of proper planning often leads to poorly managed or lost leads, which is a lost opportunity for the company. Therefore, it becomes important to understand what exactly…


5 Finest Ingredients For A Delightful Customer Experience

There is no denying that delivering a great customer experience forms the crux of any business. The days of “getting work done” are long gone and replaced by “getting work done smoothly”. But the recipe of great CX is complicated, for there are many components that impart a small yet unique flavour. It is difficult…


5 Ways CRM Software is Transforming Customer Relationship Management

The world we live in is customer-driven: anything and everything is about customers. The competition to have an edge is fierce, which is perhaps why the CRM tool has become an absolute necessity to ensure a better customer experience. But more often than not, doubt still remains in the minds of companies: how exactly does…