GST Invoicing – Specific Business Cases


GST Invoicing can be broadly classified under two heads – 

Tax Invoice Bill Of Supply
Issued by a registered taxable person Issued by a registered taxable person
Issued for the supply of a taxable good or service Issued for the supply of an exempted good or service or for the supply by a composite taxpayer







We have further discussed the various kinds of invoices issued with the help of specific business scenarios in the course of this article as follows –

Receiving advance payment –

Invoice Type


Details of Invoice

Receipt Voucher

  • A registered dealer issues a receipt voucher against an advance payment for a supply to the recipient.
  • A refund may be issued to the recipient against the advance received by the dealer if the supply does not take place and the advance has already been received.

The receipt voucher contains details such as the GSTIN, personal details of the registered dealer, serial number unique for a financial year, details of receiver in case the receiver is registered, name and code of the state in case the supply is taking place interstate, whether the tax is payable on reverse charge, signature.

Transporting goods without issuing an invoice –

Invoice Type


Details of Invoice

Delivery Challan to be issued at the time of removal of the goods

  • Such transport can be done for the supply of liquid gas (quantity unknown at the time of removal of the product from the supplier’s principal place of business; transporting goods for job work; transporting goods for any reason other than for their supply; transporting any notified supplies.
  • Three copies of the delivery challan are required to be prepared, namely, the original copy given to the consignee, duplicate copy given to the transporter and the triplicate copy kept with the consignor.
  • An e-way bill must be prepared in case the goods are being transported with a delivery challan in place of an invoice.
  • For goods being transported for supply to the recipient without a tax invoice, then such tax invoice is required to be issued at the time of delivery of the goods.

The delivery challan contains details such as the GSTIN, personal details of the consignor if registered, details of the consignee provided the consignee is registered, details of place of supply in case supply is interstate, amount and rate of tax in cases the transportation is for supply purposes, quantity of the goods (provisional).


Transporting goods through a transporting agency –

Invoice Type


Details of Invoice

Invoice (Goods transportation agency)

  • In case of supply of goods by road in a goods carriage a tax invoice should be issued by the supplier – in case the tax invoice is unavailable, any other document may be issued.

The invoice contains details such as the GSTIN, personal details serial number unique to a financial year, details of the consignee provided the consignee is registered, details of the state name and code if the taxable value of the supply is INR 50,000 or higher / if the supply is interstate, accounting code to be provided by notified persons.

Supplying transportation services for passengers –

Invoice Type


Details of Invoice

Tax invoice including a ticket

  • The ticket issued along with the tax invoice may be in any form (may or may not contain details such as the serial number or details of the recipient).

The invoice contains details such as the GSTIN, personal details of the supplier, GSTIN of the recipient in case the recipient is registered,  accounting code to be provided by notified persons, description of the services supplied, value of the supply, taxable value including discount if any has been applied, rate and amount of tax as applicable to CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST or cess and the signature.



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