How COVID-19 Proves To Be The Medium For ERP Digital Transformation

There is simply no doubt about the fact that a digital future is awaiting for all. This is the time when CEOs need to be decisive & bold for augmenting the digital transformation of their businesses. The storyline on digital transformation has grasped a shape steadily with every layer belonging to the ICT ecosystem striving hard to pitch their individual pieces to businesses. Also, we have witnessed in the previous decade that companies are migrating from struggling to handle intricate infrastructure sprawl to combining their physical infrastructure. They have largely embarked on the goal of virtualizing the infrastructure for deploying the solutions in the cloud. This is steadily leading to ERP digital transformation in various organizations to large extents. ERP transformation is a huge part of the “next to normal”.
COVID-19 – Catalyst for ERP Digital Transformation & Innovation:
A Workforce that is Digitally Ready –
Black swan happenings or challenges are not very uncommon in organizations. But the ones that are agile & adapt rapidly are the ones that are digitally ready. The onset of the coronavirus is leading such companies to deploy contemporary solutions even more like CRM, digital ERP, operational IT systems, etc. Businesses can thus carry out any important procedure even at the time of telecommuting. Employees are also able to access documents & data digitally irrespective of the device they use or physical location. Organizations along with this are also leveraging cloud technology like HRMS for payroll or accounting to be able to continue to function even when the Government is imposing a lockdown. This kind of ERP Digital Transformation is the need of the hour.
The path for Correct ERP Implementation –
Acceleration of ERP Digital Transformation due to COVID-19 is compelling companies to make big decisions today regarding ERP implementation. Everything that they do now will set the course for them in context to resilience & operational flexibility in the near future. Companies that are making the shift to next-gen ERP along with cloud features & digital solutions must mitigate all the risks by recognizing the current business challenges. This will lead to a complete transformation & a seamless transition of the core functionalities of digital ERP.
Irrespective of ERP in the construction industry or ERP in the retail industry, businesses of all sizes & nature are indulging in ERP business collaboration. Cloud-based technology can pose innumerable benefits for organizations.
Need for addressing Business Challenges for complete ERP Digital Transformation:
Without gaining an insight into the current & upcoming business challenges, a company must never move forward for ERP Digital Transformation. It can make business processes very complex. Along with this, interoperability & limited integration are already some critical challenges that exist within organizations. Heavy customization has also led to enhanced ERP complexities & slow deployment speeds. On top of this, integrating a new acquisition won’t be easy.
Despite all the shortcomings, the process of shifting away from the present landscape has helped keep the status quo right in place at several organizations. However, there are manifold business challenges that the world is encountering due to COVID-19. This is increasing the need for the adoption of next-gen ERP systems.
Smart Manufacturing & Digital Supply Chains –
Managing supply chains in the best possible manner can happen with real-time visibility. This will enable them to include weather patterns & port delays. Due to the requisites of social distancing, the companies will also need to execute supply chains & manufacturing operations with fewer workers. So employee training needs to be conducted so that they work on business processes & ERP projects faultlessly.
Trends of the go-to-market & Consumer –
With the transformation in the various consumption patterns, organizations must be able to cope with the excess of consumer data. This calls for ERP transformation right away. ERP and digital transformation in today’s COVID-19 pandemic time go hand in hand. This is driving many organizations to be the hero of the “new normal”. ERP Digital Transformation is something that will help companies in developing the scale for shipping smaller amounts of goods to a massive number of residential addresses. They will also then have the capacity of managing a surge in the returns.
Digital Finance, HR Functions & Procurement –
Organizations of today’s time require advanced automation. Without this enhancing the sales order would be next to impossible. Automation in the best way is possible to attain with ERP digital transformation. There will also be a need for a more qualified & less number of workers who can function seamlessly from their abodes. This is the space where employees can largely benefit from HRMS software systems.
Collaborative & Open Ecosystems –
Collaborating digitally with the entire present supplier is the need for numerous organizations in today’s time. For instance, if a company needs to co-design new products in the design-to-order trade and predict the demand for the upcoming fashion summer collection, collaborative ecosystems will be required. This company can ensure as it moves forward for ERP transformation.
By this, we can see how the next-gen digital ERP platforms can assist businesses in addressing each & every business challenge. When companies bring digital transformation with the help of ERP, they get hands-on real-time transparency. This is in context to inventory, financials, sales & production. The robust data-driven analytics results in better agile decisions like enhancing resilience by adjusting to the supply chain. Powerful e-commerce capabilities also help businesses in engaging better with online customers prior to & after a particular sale. Also, deployment speed augments rapidly with a lean ERP digital transformation approach.
Final Say:
It is important for organizations to frame their particular ERP digital transformation strategy with varied time horizons in their mind. The foremost is “the now” which incorporates guaranteeing business continuity & safeguarding people. This is the time when companies must refine all the ERP transformation strategies to be able to launch ahead of the entire pack. Companies must also case a near-term digital ERP strategy. This will prepare them prior to recovery. These moves include tactical enhancements for enabling companies to function better in the present landscape by handling various challenges in a hassle-free manner.
A victorious migration to next-gen ERP digital transformation needs leaders who are dedicated to working out the complex transition. They must firmly realize all the particular benefits & the entire value to their business. As we eventually exit the crisis period, the leaders who are prepared to launch their migration will bag the position for boosting their resilience & operations’ flexibility. These attributes will be critical to success.
At exactllyERP, businesses can actually learn the various steps of ERP transformation in detail with the help of experienced personnel. Organizations can find changes & results within a short time span with such advanced technologies. There are Free Demos accessible as well. Contact Us & know more.