Increase Sales and Inventory Efficiency with Bar Code Printing

Many small business owners are of the view that bar code printing increases their cost of production. But they fail to recognize the corresponding benefits bar code printing confers on their overall business bringing ease of operation and customer satisfaction.
There are a number of problems associated with traditional handwritten codes and item numbers on product packages. Due to human errors, you are likely to scribble a wrong code on it. Coding could also be marred by overwriting. If you are using printed stickers, it is possible that the tag or sticker falls off. Among all these issues, your dispatch process slows down. The order delivery takes a long time while going through multiple manual clearances. The efficiency of the business goes down with a slow transaction rate.
Slack comes into the business operation causing loss of customers, thus poor sales. The customers who are associated with your business express dissatisfaction as the tracking of inventory becomes difficult without a printed bar code. Every time the package moves forward in the dispatch cycle, the employees need to manually update the system which is time-consuming. A wrong entry will cause chaos and unnecessary loss of time. Even if the entry is correct, the customers on the other side have to wait for the system update to know about the order status.
Bar Code Printing:
A bar code printer allows you to print barcode labels or tags that can be attached or printed directly on the physical objects. They are commonly used for labelling cartons before shipping. Industrial bar code printers are used in large warehouses and manufacturing facilities while desktop barcode printers are commonly used for retail and office environments.
Bar code printing on packages allows you to streamline the process of inventory flow. Optical scanners scan the bar code which takes a fraction of second and complete information pertaining to the product package is updated into your system.
Bar code entry is valid across the supply chain of the business. If the product is sold or dispatched to the customer, it will automatically reflect in your inventory store. The EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) technology used in ERP systems passes the information from the dispatch department to the inventory store. And the inventory department can view the update and restock the store. The same information is passed on to the production department so that they can produce more. Everything happens in real-time and there is no need of using physical modes of communication like telephone, email, fax etc among the departments saving a lot of time for your employees to engage in more productive tasks. Thus, bar code printing is an excellent way to improve your operational efficiency.
Integrate your bar code printing module with the ERP system. This module allows you to print bar code labels by item number, purchase order, purchase receipt batch, purchase receipt number, inventory transaction. It also gives you the ability to add barcoded data on sales orders, packing slips, gate pass and so on.
Bar code printing brings in much-desired reform into your business. It improves your image in the market owing to ease of doing business with you. A simple automated module advances the reporting capabilities of your organization. A customer can stay up-to-date without making unnecessary calls or emails to your company. And if the customers are happy, you will definitely generate more sales. Wants to know more about exactllyERP? Feel free to Contact Us and get a Free Demo.