The background check has become an essential criterion for many companies before recruiting an employee. For large companies, background checks are conducted by third-party organizations while small companies prefer to do it by themselves. It is an investment to...
Many experts claim that their decisions are based on experience and they cannot go wrong. Practitioners and managers in almost every field make decisions and judgments. The decisions actually use a lot of evidence. If the supporting evidence is...
HRMS has been playing a major role in business transformation. It helps the managers to take strategic decisions. Organizations have legal obligations which they must fulfill to keep their business running and avoiding penalties. The obligations can be related...
A handbook is an avenue for your organization to improve its relationship with your employees. Besides conferring the rules and regulations, it helps the employees to get closer to your organization. By reading it, they know what is expected...
The employee handbook is a book given to the employee by the employer which contains rules, guidelines and company policy. A good employee handbook is a mark of professionalism of a company whereas a bad one can generate flak. It...
Motivation is important to keep a check on the attrition rate and enhance productivity of the organization. Monetary incentive is not the only way to motivate. Monetary incentives can be given once in a while and they are not...
The role of HR managers has become critically important as a wrong hire can prove to be expensive to the company. HR managers should work with the managers of different departments while choosing a candidate and develop a suitable...
A lot of HR-related data is generated on a daily basis. Though the storage of digital information is no more an issue with high capacity hard disks available at a cheap price today, the problem arises when HR managers...