Motivating Employees without Spending Extra

Motivation is important to keep a check on the attrition rate and enhance productivity of the organization. Monetary incentive is not the only way to motivate. Monetary incentives can be given once in a while and they are not enough to keep employees motivated all around the year. Typically, true motivation comes in from non-monetary tactics offered to employees by their bosses and that includes access to good technology and self-service options in the form of a robust HRMS.
Employee First Approach:
You can deliver better service to customers only if your employees are happy. Communication is the key to success. Take a genuine interest in employees. Communication should go beyond business talks. Conduct a weekly informal meeting with your team members to just talk and you can talk about anything. Use an effective HRMS to enhance communication and their managers.
Be Unbiased to Employees:
Do not favour any one employee over others. It creates negative vibes in the team. Break the barriers of office politics and do not pay heed to third party gossips. As a manager, it is your responsibility to be caring towards your team members and does not pass judgments without assessing the situation first-hand. A good HRMS will help you provide unbiased appraisals, leading to contentment.
Engage your Employees:
Higher the engagement of employees in important decisions, the higher is the motivation level. Every opinion matters. Involve them in the decision-making process wherever possible. Self-service HRMS modules and gamification help to engage employees.
Enhance Interaction among Employees:
Inability to interact with members of other teams causes a lot of anxiety among many employees. It is probably because employees feel restrained in their limited role and moreover it is in the nature of humans to be social. Create cross-functional teams to let employees have an overall understanding of the project and see the bigger picture. Shuffle team members to allow employees to interact with other employees. It should be a part of team-building efforts in your organization. HRMS tools can be equipped with tools to enhance interaction between others as well.
Growth Opportunities:
Employees should be able to follow a career path and be able to project professional and personal growth down the line. And employees can grow only if their skills are put to the best possible use and they are offered more responsibility. Unleash the latent potential of employees by keenly observing them. It is the duty of the team manager to allocate the right employee for the right task.
Recognize hard work and dedication. Frequently, commend your team members in front of the entire team to boost their morale. Do not wait for too long to appreciate. Appreciation creates healthy competition among team members and it is the best way to lift their spirits. Announce weekly or monthly performers and display them on the company bulletin board. Tell them how they have been useful and can be extremely useful for the company in the future. Share the vision of the company’s growth and the importance of project completion. Use HRMS appraisals to award and reward deserving employees.
Looking forward:
Surprise your team members by helping or working extensively on the task allotted to them. Furthermore, you do not want to give the impression that you like to burden with the same tedious task. Offer flexible working hours and work from home options if possible. The convenience of work time and place is a major driver for motivation and this is made possible with the help of self-service modules within an HRMS.
Motivation ensures dedication towards a project or task at hand thereby realizing long-term benefits to the organization. In the end, it is about closely understanding your team members. Every person is different and managers can use different tactics to please and motivate them. If the employees are happy, your customers will express satisfaction as well. Wants to know more about exactllyHRMS? Feel free to Contact Us and get a Free Demo.