
5 Tips for Upcoming HR Professionals

We can’t deny the fact that HR professionals are among the vital employees of an organization. Such personnel is responsible for hiring, training, team building, payroll management, performance management, and several other tasks within the company that is associated with the employees, their overall progress and development. Now this means, being a successful HR requires…


What You Need to Know About ERP and Blockchain Integration

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that blockchain is one of the most promising technologies to have become mainstream in recent years. While larger companies have begun to implement blockchain to enable smart contracts and seamless identification verification, smaller companies and agencies are yet to figure out a way to use the technology to…


5 Technologies Transforming CRM Practices

Customer Relationship Management tools have drastically changed in the last few years along with multiple emerging technologies. Just a couple of decades ago, the basic CRM tools helped businesses to manage their leads, access contact information and sort out prospects based on various parameters. In the last few years, CRM has grown so advanced that…


6 ERP Trends to Watch Out For in 2019

Enterprise Planning Resource (ERP) software has advanced to such an extent that it is difficult to foresee major breakthroughs in 2019. Unless one plans to integrate ERP with Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence or Blockchain, one isn’t going to witness dramatic shifts in ERP trends this year. In addition, more businesses are implementing ERP…


6 Workforce Management Trends For 2019

What Is Workforce Planning? The literal definition of workforce management stands for the integrated array of processes that are used by the companies to enhance the employee productivity. Workforce management or WFM, include the effective forecasting of labour requirements and create and manage staff schedules for accomplishing a given task on a timely basis. The…


6 Reasons to Integrate CRM with Telephony

While most businesses have the access to high-speed internet connections, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and excellent telephone infrastructure, they choose not to optimize their telephone technology. Telephone technology has grown by leaps and bounds and integrating enterprise telephony with CRM is a choice that most businesses do not make. Thankfully, not only is this…


5 Things You Ought To Know About Social Media Recruiting Strategy for Business

Social media recruiting is one of the biggest trends in the industry today. It’s a proven HR strategy and is used in the recruitment industry to attract job candidates (both active and passive). Active candidates mean those who are agile in their job search and passive are those who don’t respond to any job advertisements…