
Customer Value Management: Driving More Business with the Help of an Optimized CRM

Customer value management is one of the most essential elements of modern marketing and management practice. Interestingly, in the last few decades, we can see considerable growth in this approach. But what is CVM or customer value management and why is it so important? Let’s find out. What is Customer Value Management? Customer value management…


5 Reasons to Integrate Customer Behaviour Analysis with CRM

Most modern CRMs help you analyze customer behaviour as observed in real life during interactions with your support or marketing teams. CRM also helps you derive insights based on customers’ online behaviour ranging from web usage statistics to social media behaviour. Understanding customer behaviour analysis and making accurate predictions based on insight drawn from customer…


5 Secrets to Delivering Improved Customer Experience in an Omni-Channel Environment

Over the last few years, the way companies handle customer service has drastically changed. While just over a decade ago phone or fax were the only two ways you could contact a company. Today, you have a plethora of options – phone, text, email, live chat, social media. The challenge, therefore, for companies today is…