
Hosted Cloud ERP vs. Multi-Tenant: Which One Must You Choose?

Hosted ERP: There has been a lot of discussion over choosing between multi-tenant and hosted cloud ERP solutions. There are arguments that favour both sides of the argument and yet, sometimes, one side or the other wins the argument over particular factors. Multi-tenant cloud ERP solutions are becoming increasingly popular because they come at a…


How to Use ERP Successfully for Your Non-Profit Organization

Nonprofit Organization: A nonprofit organization comes with the same kinds of requirements as a for-profit organization. However, there are many differences between the two. Firstly, a nonprofit is less inclined to boost profits, and it needn’t even be said. Secondly, it needs to manage all its day-to-day administration at a lower cost than for-profit organizations….


How to Choose an HRMS that Makes Both HR and IT Departments Happy

HR and IT departments The HR and IT departments have nothing much in common. One is geared towards building relationships with employees and managing them, while the other deals with building the kind of IT infrastructure that keeps a company going. Yet, when the management decides that the HR department should start using a new…


Why is the Applicant Tracking Software Important in Recruitment?

Applicant Tracking Software: No matter how big or small your company is, a robust Applicant Tracking System will help you to recruit some of the most talented employees. Usually, an ATS comes with your HRMS and if it does not, you could ask your HRMS vendor to customize it for your needs. An Applicant Tracking…


Accreditation of exactllyERP by IRAS and IDA in Singapore

IRAS performs audits for businesses from time to time to assure that businesses are making the right tax declarations. It is IRAS approved ERP a common procedure for IRAS to request for certain accounting information as part of the audit. For businesses using manual records, the process of producing the records required by IRAS is…