5 Reasons for Making Performance Appraisals Your Top HR Activity

5 Reasons for Making Performance Appraisals Your Top HR Activity

Performance Appraisals Every company worth its name conducts regular performance appraisals of its employees. Performance appraisals are an important part of corporate culture and instil a sense of accountability, recognition, and discipline. This fundamental practice encourages collaboration between employees and employers and helps employees to progress towards personal and professional success. All this helps the…

4 Ways HRMS Can Heighten Transparency during Performance Appraisals

4 Ways HRMS Can Heighten Transparency during Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisals For every manager that speaks about the importance of transparency in performance appraisals, there is another who speaks about the importance of confidentiality. Proponents of confidential performance appraisals argue that employees do not need to know everything and that a lot of transparency can hinder growth and employee performance.