Why Employee Self-Evaluation Is Important For A Company To Grow Ahead
Research has consistently shown that employee self evaluations are necessary for professional development. Many studies also point out the fact that self-evaluation can help companies to become productive overall. In other words, employee self-evaluations can help not only the employees in question but also the organization in which they work.
Unfortunately, both managers and employees do not like self evaluations. Employees are hesitant to highlight their achievements because they fear appearing like they’re bragging. On the other hand, managers are sceptical about the authenticity of self evaluations because they expect employees to over-evaluate themselves.
Thankfully, it does not have to be this way. Employee self-assessment can be used to assess performance, improve productivity, and gain insight into employees understanding of data and achievements and contributions. In this article, let’s take a look at how encouraging your employees to evaluate themselves will help you to grow your company and achieve results quickly.
Make Performance Appraisal a Two-Way Process:
A performance appraisal is usually conducted by the manager and is often lacking in objectivity. Employees often feel that they have not been evaluated fairly or that their capabilities have been assessed unfairly. In order to avoid this, a performance appraisal should ideally be a two-way process.
When employees self assessments are taken into consideration, performance appraisals naturally become a two-way process. This makes performance appraisals more objective and eliminates any room for resentment. Quite naturally, both managers and employees will feel unburdened, and notice that communication levels improve drastically. In other words, employs self assessments will help the company grow by making it more democratic.
Help Managers Understand Employees Perspective:
Most of the times, employees feel that they’re not understood by their managers. They feel resentful and misunderstood because their achievements are not fairly assessed by their managers. We cannot really blame the managers, because they fail to understand the employees’ perspective.
Usually, managers do not have access to employees problems and obstacles, which they may be facing while completing a project. An employee self assessment tool will help employees to easily register their achievements, highlight the problems and explain the obstacles coming in the way of their goals. In short, managers will have access to employees inner desires and fears.
Enhance Communication Between Teams and Team Leaders:
A business can only grow when there is adequate communication between teams. Lack of seamless communication between teams and their managers and team leaders can also bring down accompanies productivity. In addition, lack of communication results in unfortunate events that can curtail the growth of a company.
Employees’ self-assessment will bring major issues to the attention of higher-ups. These issues can be addressed and sorted out during performance appraisal meetings or during other such meetings. This will help companies to identify lacuna and do what needs to be done in order to put the company on a fast paced growth pathway.
Eliminate Differences in Opinions before they Cause Issues:
As discussed earlier, performance appraisals are the root cause of many differences between employees and their managers. These differences in opinions and perspectives can result in stagnation, loss of productivity, and failed projects. All of these issues can act as hurdles to a company’s growth.
Employee self-assessment will allow each employee to put forward their opinions and how they feel about their own work and achievements. Managers on the other hand will know beforehand what the employee thinks of their own achievements. This will help managers to appraise fairly and eliminate any differences that may exist before the actual appraisal meeting.
Make Performance Reviews more Objective:
Performance reviews are replete with prejudices and biases, and managers make several assumptions during the process. This results in reduced objectivity and the actual performance appraisal remains questionable in its character and content. As performance reviews are done in order to improve a company’s productivity and enhance its growth, biased reviews defeat the purpose.
Employer self-assessment will make sure that a layer of objectivity is added to managers’ perspective. Managers will be able to look at what their employees think about data and performance and match their appraisals in an objective manner. This results in the object to performance reviews that lead to enhanced productivity and growth.
Boost Employee Morale:
When employees are given the opportunity to exercise their agency, they feel confident and self assured. They may also feel that they are in control of their own appraisals which helps boost their morale. Employee morale is directly linked to productivity, and productivity is linked to enhancing the bottom line figures.
If a company must grow quickly, its productivity should increase dramatically. The only way to do this is by allowing employees to boost their morale themselves. This is possible when they can objectively decide what they are lacking and how much they are contributing to the success of the company. By exercising their own agency, employees will feel confident enough and become more productive at work.
Help Employees become more Productive by Addressing Real Concerns:
During employee self-assessment, an individual member of an organisation can easily highlight problems that are stopping him from completing a project. This way real concerns are brought to the foray, and hurdles and obstacles are highlighted. Once these concerns are identified, businesses can address these concerns and remedy them as soon as possible.
This is very important because most of the times, real concerns are ignored or they just languish in the corner without being identified. With employee self-assessment, the issues that stop an employee from achieving his goals and finishing projects can be eliminated. This helps the company to become more productive and grow quickly.
Gain Access to Better and More Accurate Insights:
Performance appraisals are usually not very accurate and are marred by the biases and prejudices of managers. Insights are drawn from these appraisals also tend to be inaccurate and may not clearly address concerns that the company may be experiencing. As a result, the company’s growth is stalled and it will never achieve its full potentials.
Employee self assessments will help businesses to draw more accurate inferences and insights. Data will be more reliable as it will not be coloured by managers’ biases. The result data, analytics, and insights will be more accurate and help accompanied to forecast accurately and achieve the goals that are necessary to grow quickly.
Begin Employee Self Evaluations as soon as possible:
As you can see, performance evaluations are often a one-way process resulting in a number of issues. Employee self-evaluations help performance appraisals to become a two-way process. This helps the manager to understand what his subordinates actually think and helps to build communication between teams and team leaders. This way, if there are any differences they can be addressed before the actual review meeting. As performance reviews become more objective and transparent, employees’ trust and morale are also boosted.
Real concerns can be addressed quickly and employees become more productive instead of remaining complacent. Most importantly, businesses will gain access to better insights as employees self evaluations add an important variable to the performance appraisal process. In the long term, both employees and businesses will benefit from employees and self-evaluations. This results in the growth of a company and an improvement in its bottom line figures. Want to know more about exactllyHRMS? Connect With Us and get a Free Demo.